State of the Home

As I have told everyone along the way, the Kiershes will be better tomorrow than we are today. This still holds true!

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Getting organized and completing those daunting tasks

So I told you I would tell you my tips on how I have been tackling reorganizing since the flood.  Let me give you the back up on this.  First, I do not care what condition your junk drawer is in, my whole house had to be worse.  Not kidding.  When we had so many people helping us, we were just dumping stuff in boxes.  It was not traditional packing where one box was labeled "kitchen", and it was full of kitchen stuff.  We moved everything in cabinets to the top shelves and jammed things from the down stairs in the lowers.  My craft room for example, became my laundry room/make shift kitchen.  Anyway, stuff was all over the house and a complete disaster!

Here are my tips!

"Touch It Once"
I play a game I call "Touch It Once"!  It's pretty self explanatory!  This is the prime example of why this game works.  My girls birth certificates, for some reason, have been "floating" around our house.  This would be bad on so many levels if they were misplaced.  Rather than moving them from room to room, "touch it once" helps because it holds me accountable to put it away, in the right place, the first time.  Yes, it requires to get the label maker out and create a label for the file cabinet in some cases, but once it is done, I feel a sense of accomplishment and organization.

When I was working full time, I found myself using my desk as a dumping ground for everything work related.  I would conquer my desk once every couple of weeks by playing "touch it once".  Walking past my clear and organized desk made me once again, so happy!  It's the little things in life right!
Give "touch it once" a try and let me know if it works for you too!

"Jules Rule Of 5"
I joke with friends that I have ADD so badly that I can not unload the dishwasher in one setting or even fold a load of laundry when in all actuality, I just hate those chores.  I know hate is a strong word, but I do.  So my "rule of 5" comes in handy here!  I open the dishwasher and unload 5 things, then I carry on to another task, maybe making my bed or unloading the dryer, HA!  A few minutes later I go back to the washer and unload another 5 dishes then maybe fold five pieces of clothing.  This comes in handy for me when my island, the drop zone for everyone in my house, is covered in who knows what.  So, again for the island, I clear 5 things and carry on with what ever I was doing previously.  Believe it or not, increments of 5 add up faster than you realize!  If I am feeling really bold one day, I make it 8!

Weekly Routine - "regular time"
When I was working full time, another task I despised, was expense reports!  UGH!  Don't upper management people know sales people can't sit still and behind a desk for that matter?  So, I made a "deal" with myself.  Rather than having the sitter get my girls off the bus on Fridays, I did!  I made the deal with myself that I would great them with big hugs and walk home with them, listening to all that happened at school that day.  I made their snacks and once they were settled I went to my office.  I know not many people want to do expense reports on a Friday afternoon, but again this worked for me because I rewarded myself.  Some Fridays I would sit there for just 3o minutes, other Fridays two hours.  It didn't matter because at the end of the week I could check off one of the most dreaded tasks and my manager was also happy!  I have not found the one task for being home yet that I can compare to expense reports but I am sure I will find one in due time.  Feels great to know I have a way to approach it.

Harvey Organization/Cleaning
I can now say that I have unpacked EVERY box!!  Yes, it took me almost a year but in my defense I had to wait for the construction to finish.  One point I would like to make is that unpacking a box post flooding is not as simple as it sounds.  EVERYTHING in the box has to be seriously cleaned first.  What we did is filled the garage with our belongs.  Each day I MADE myself unpack just one box and put the items inside where they belonged.  Again, this wasn't as easy as just putting the dishes in the cabinet because most likely what was in the cabinet didn't belong there.  That meant I had to clear the cabinet and put what was inside it where it belonged.  You can see why my goal each day was just one box!  I wish all of you that are in the process of post Harvey recovery luck and I hope this too helps you!

I have two other tips that I have to share.  . .
I have started running the dishwasher every night before bed.  This allows for me to wake up with a clean kitchen.  Pulling the door open to put in the detergent forces me to check the sink to make sure it's clear.  I am not going to leave just a handful of dishes in the sink when I can easily put them in the dishwasher and wake up to a clear sink!
The other, I have always made my bed every morning.  When we were first married, the few days my sweet husband had the opportunity and could sleep in, I would make my side while he was still sleeping!  HA!!!   Poor thing!  (I don't do that anymore!)  Walking into our room and seeing the bed made that I love so much, again makes me happy!

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