So, I have started cleaning, never mind waiting for the cleaning crew who has not been answering their phones. Shocker, that's the thing about living in Houston right now and doing ANY work on your house. "Subs" are in such short demand NO ONE can finish anything. I was thinking of a great "gift" to someone on the home stretch of rebuilding, a couple of hours with a handy man. Let's face it, there is always something to be done in anyone's home, especially one under construction. I have found myself adding little things like a doggie door and a key pad entry door knob.
So here is what I have been up to the past two days, full disclosure, there was some tennis involved. I cleaned the kitchen some so that we could move the upstairs mini-fridge back outside and cleaned the main fridge, that took a LOT longer than I thought. But, I am so happy to finally be using a full size appliance again!! Ric came home after a full day at work and power-washed and cleaned the toilets that have been sitting outside since last August, had to do that before the plumber can put those suckers in. And today, well, I "wallpapered" my spice cabinet in my pantry. I LOVE it! I cannot say it was ANYTHING like the video online but I am so happy with it. To find the wall paper you can go to I am trying to decide what the next wall I am going to paper will be. As for the pantry, I keep walking around the corner and just peaking inside. I obviously cannot move anything into it but a girl can dream. I do have a 26"x56" piece left that I am trying to decided what to do with. Let me know if you have any suggestions! #wallsneedlove #organizedspicecabinet #momlife
I did have several "work" related calls today. There are some interesting opportunities out there, I am definitely keeping my eyes, ears and heart open and know when the right thing comes along I will know. As for now, I still have a lot to do around here!
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