State of the Home

As I have told everyone along the way, the Kiershes will be better tomorrow than we are today. This still holds true!

Monday, April 16, 2018

Gluten & Dairy Free

Well, the Whole 30 on day one was a big flop!  HA!  At dinner I realized that I needed to be more realistic.  I am going to start with a much smaller baby step.  I am eliminating dairy and gluten first.  I am hoping to see a difference after a week.  I have been doing some research and I have every symptom of gluten intolerance.  What's sad is I have had them pretty much my entire life.  Here is my goal for even typing this on a public blog.  I have always asked people I know to make a list of gluten free products they "go to".  I know there are a lot of options out there and unfortunately most are AWEFUL.  So here I go, I am starting the list.  As I discover things I will add them on to the list for your reference.  

I am off to get organized for the day, as I drink my black coffee with Splenda only.  

Gluten Free Products
Heinz Ketchup

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