Well, I sit here bored, a day after receiving a call from the CEO of the company that I joined after about a hot minute. It so depressing because, like Ric said, I am the only person that skipped playing tennis because I wanted to go to work. Well, that being so short lived, I find myself wondering what I will do to fill my days.
I know I am not "typical" when I say, I liked being a working mom. I liked getting dressed everyday and feeling good about how I presented myself to the world, and had fun creating outfits and scheduling my days. I liked having challenging conversations about running a business and what "good practices" look like. I liked that I did not have to go to work, but that I was fortunate to willingly be able to make that decision on my own. I think it allows you to put a job in perspective, and gives you the ability to love the job you're in, because its a choice not an obligation.
I don't know what tomorrow holds, other than a massage and possibly a spray tan. HA! Maybe I will start working out again? Who knows.
For today, I am a little sad that a job I really believed in, doesn't exist and was eliminated just 24 long hours ago. I will take a lunch with friends and be excited for the coming weeks of the Cantina opening. There is always laundry to do and always a closet that needs to be cleaned out. UGH!
I am a newly "retired" wife and mom of two girls. I spent the past, almost ten years, in aesthetics working with practices of all specialties and sizes, helping them grow their businesses. I have decided to briefly retire and focus on my family and home. We were one of the many families devastated by Hurricane Harvey. We are in the "home stretch" and have only a few more weeks until we are finished with rebuilding.
State of the Home
As I have told everyone along the way, the Kiershes will be better tomorrow than we are today. This still holds true!